April Mckenzie - Personally Tasty

Solo updates with April Mckenzie have always something special and particularly exciting. PlumperPass (the only site hiring her nowadays) just released a new one, culminating the style they have been presenting her in. April is wearing tight red fishnets what has both a slightly comical and cute note, sports a slightly over the top lipstick and shows her now quite typical, in a cute way funny expressions. I notice again: April speaks with such a sexy voice. These expressions certainly have quite a theatrical quality but, that's very unusual, there is nothing impersonal or distanced about them. April comes across as an amazingly personal looking model, making her overwhelming curves look even more gorgeous. I still would like to see her with a less dollesque makeup and in some kool and sexy causal outfits.

No promo gallery got issued, so just a few corrected screenshots from the promo trailer which is stretched as usual.

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