SupathickMami - Shining Like A Monumental Diamond

SupaThickMami, as it looks to me, for a change worked together with a studio photographer to shoot this latest update on her site called SupaThickMami In Sexy Blue Bikini. This makes a contrast to her usual image sets which are shot at regular locations she has access to or at home, and by friends (i suppose). If you check my recent entries you notice that those are great - the locations and the quality of the photos. This new release certainly makes a difference, but in the best way. It doesn't look at all artificial, her expressions and her posing come across as uncontrived and naturally enticing as you know it from her. What a stellar beauty she is! While her killerious mega butt and her sexy curviness rise into new dimensions, shining like the most gorgeous diamond. A mind-blowing update.
